Thursday, February 25, 2010

And another thing...

In the previously mentioned blog, it states "a determined terrorist enemy loves nothing better than to see his operatives handled like civilian criminals". Remember my comment on stupidity ? Well, double it.

AQ and other groups hate being seen as common criminals - they crave more than almost anything to be seen as warriors, fighting jihad in the manner of their forefathers, brave soldiers facing the infidel hordes. And the previous dumb sob in the White House handed them that recognition on a plate: 'you are all enemy combatants, with a new unique status, and not at all like drug dealers, perverts and rapists'. (and they got a rather natty orange jumpsuit as a free uniform).

Dear God, please shine a little of your light on those who claim to have you in the centre of their lives and outlook.

There is an actual serious point: no matter your views (if you are a well-adjusted person) you might feel that if you'd grown up, say, in Palestine, you might just be tempted to pick up a rock, petrol bomb or gun and have at the Israelis - and similarly for the cliched young, Muslim, 2nd-generation immigrant lost in an infidel land looking for an identity, a noble cause, a chance to be a man.

But Islam, like all the big religions, has a real down on crime. So, if the local bandit/guerilla/freedom fighter heroes are actually seen by polite society in your neighbourhood as more akin to the crims I mentioned above - then do you think it might be less likely you'd join them, or more likely?

Hmm, I think we know the answer...

There, that's it - now take a rest, you've just been using a part of your body that hasn't had much exercise lately (once the headache wears off, trying looking at Fox news with a new perspective... and keep that brain active, or today's gains will soon be lost).

okay, that's enough - go back to hot air little dawgie. The rest of you, thanks for bearing with me :-)

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